Stories and Updates

Stay connected and engaged in our Co-op Learning Community as we discuss everything you need to know for fall hiring, employer resources, and Management Capstone proposals.

Stay connected and engaged in our Co-op Learning Community as we discuss everything you need to know for fall hiring, funding resources, and promoting job opportunities. Join us in welcoming our newest team member, and in celebrating the UBCO Co-op Graduates of 2024!

Hire a Co-op Student This Fall and infuse your Team with Fresh Talent!

Collaborative Ventures: Benefits of hiring a Co-op student and partnering with our program and more. Stay informed and inspired!

Spring has arrived! As the blossoms bloom and the days grow longer, now is the perfect opportunity to invigorate your organization with new student talent, fresh perspectives, and creative ideas…

Stay connected and engaged in our Co-op Learning Community as we discuss 5 Simple Steps to Hiring a Co-op Student for this summer, celebrate our 2023 Co-op Student of the Year, introduce our newest team members, upcoming events and more…